December 24   Don’t be alarmed

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Obviously that is a very intriguing title but it really isn’t as exciting as I would have liked everyone to think.

I just wanted to let everyone know that my blog post are on their way and that I am writing them before I post them. I have a full schedule and will try to post them whenever I have time!


Be patient my works of art are on their way 😉

RY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Enjoy your holidays and family. I’ll see ya after Chirstmas!

December 14   Report

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On Monday I got my report which told me whether I passed, how much I passed by and most importantly who’s class I’m going to.

A little lesson quickly.

T1/T2/T3/T4 is Term what ever

They’re all in %

Social Science is History and Geography

Economic Management Sciences is finance and money

Arts and Culture is Arts and Culture (I’m glad we got THAT one cleared up!)

Life Orientation is everything the government wants the children to know about Aids, Healthy Foods, Religion and what not that doesn’t actually fit in to any other subject

Gr Av stands for Grade Average



Gr Av




Gr Av




Gr Av


T4 Final Code
English 81 65 84 66 78 67 88 4
Afrikaans 77 58 71 62 77 59 79 4
Mathematics 86 67 85 62 76 61 84 4
Natural Science 89 63 73 69 71 67 81 3
Social Science 80 68 72 72 77 67 83 4
Economic Management


78 59 72 62 76 58 78 4
Arts & Culture 78 67 72 65 79 69 79 4
Life Orientation 67 74 82 62 80 59 88 4
Technology 70 50 70 50 57 48 54 3



Participation in group work +++ +++ +++ +++
Listening and following instruction +++ +++ +++ +++
Presentation of work ++ ++ ++ ++
Task Completion ++ +++ +++ +++
Self Discipline ++ +++ +++ +++
Concentration / Focus on Tasks ++++ +++ +++ +++
Manners +++ +++ +++ +++
Not Satisfactory + + + +
Satisfactory ++ ++ ++ ++
Always performed well +++ +++ +++ +++



I wasn’t absent at all this term and I was only absent 10 days out of the whole year

The most important part. Not the part that says YOU PAST. No it’s the part direnctly after that

You PAST and you’re going to………… Grade 7 F……

I would’ve liked to be in Grade 7 CF……

At least I’m with Tamlin. But other wise so far the rest of the people I know (which is surprisingly little) are going to Mrs CF!!! It’s okay. I’m sure it’s going to be a great year seeing as I’M A PREFECT!!!!!!!!

December 11   Holy Crap…

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On the last day of school we have the End Of Year Assembly. This is of course about the Grade 7s because it’s their last assembly in primary school and all. Although the grade 6s (typically the girls) try (and mostly succeed) to make it about themselves because they also announce prefects which is a huge deal. A few weeks earlier our Principal told us that they were doing the choosing differently this year. What would happen is that if you want to become a prefect you write your own letter of recommendation, then those names are put into a list where the children are aloud to choose 16 (any 16 doesn’t have to be 8 boys and 8 girls). What I did was I put a lot of thought into it and eventually it ended with 9 girls 7 boys which I thought was fair. Then the teacher’s vote. THEN our Principal talks to our grade teachers and asks them to vote and then what happens is on the last day when we’re supposed to be focused on the grade sevens we’re all nervous and sweating (well…anyone like me). Parents weren’t invited which sucks but it didn’t matter. Once all the sobbing had stopped and our poor Head Girl could talk we had our Head Prefects up to give us speeches. Then our Deputy Principal told us that he was going to announce prefects. Everyone in grade 6 drew in a breath. Our Deputy Principal certainly does the suspense thing very well. I thought I was going to pass out and then he called up “Tamsyn Blake!!!” when he announced it was this little sound of everyone letting out  their breathes. I was shaking and had to pass two children to get up to the aisle and I couldn’t get my DAMN FOOT to go down. Meanwhile they’ve announced two other prefects who all seem perfectly able to walk. I finally took over my foot and the first Boy Prefect he called waited for me to pass him. I made my way up the stairs on the stage and made my way to the Head Girl who put my badge on. I wasn’t really listening to her. It was more like I was waiting for our Deputy Principal to call up Tamlin. I did manage a thank you but it was halve hearted. This is going to sound terrible but I didn’t smile. I didn’t want to stand on the stage and go HAHA SUCKERS YOU’RE NOT A PREFECT I AM!!!! All with one smile. Once Tamlin was called up I relaxed a lot but was waiting for others. She was absolutely BEAMING I wanted to mention to her why I wasn’t smiling instead I made eye contact and smiled but that was it. I was still waiting for others but that was it and every one was clapping. The girl next to me said that the other prefects needed more space to line up in so I was pushed against this extra-ordinarily pollen full arrangement of flowers. When we went back to our seats we were net with balling children, children who weren’t talking and children who were PISSED! Oh and of course the beaming prefects. We were told that after assembly we were to make our way to our Principal. We sang our school song and the national anthem and assembly was done. Tamlin was busy consoling a particularly sad girl when I dragged her to Mrs G (our teacher) who gave us hugs, kissed our heads and told up that there was no one else. I then dragged Tamlin to our Principal’s office. We had to stop because Tamlin’s cousin (from the high school had come down and was very proud of Tamlin) I cut the reunion short and Tamlin was walking with me talking about being a prefect. We got there and we were the only girls there. The rest I assumed were still consoling the damaged. We were welcomed in and congratulated. We stood around a long table and waited for the other girls and boy. When they came we were told that we were to come to school the day before it opens for an hour. This is when it hit me and I was now completely smiling. I felt it was okay because they were all prefects too. I read that some of our duties will be Grade 1 Line Up, Grade 1 Fields, Adventure Playground, Break DT and I’m sure lots more. This years prefects look good we’re all ready for the responsibilities and I’m sure can’t wait. I will wear my albino badge with pride. The next year will be a good one!

Oh and the name of this blog post is because the morning that they were to announce prefects mom came in to wake me up. SHe barely had to say anything I sat up and said HOLY CRAP! So it’s actually not rude.

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I have found a new AWESOME sight. It’s called Attack of the cute. It’s done by the same people as DBPB.

Here is my fav so far

Just one lick

December 7   Prize Giving

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Prize Giving is when the Grade 4,5 and 6’s get together to receive awards (No? really?). There are awards for Top 10 in each class, Drama, Various sports, Entrepreneurial skills (only for grade 6) and I’m sure I’m missing some. Most of the children who care about their school life are hoping to get at least one award.

They started with top 10. our class was second last which made my butterflies very anxious! Our deputy principal finally said Mrs Gerstner’s class and called up Tamlin and then me then ‘maths genius boy’ and so on. They don’t mention numbers only top 10 but it was obvious that the way the called it up was the numbers. I (Tamlin and ‘maths genius boy’) got Excellence in Academic.

Then the ones after got All round Good work

All round Good work

All round Good work

All round Good work

All round Good work

All round Good work

All round Good work

All round Good work

All round Good work

And then finally one of my friends (whom everyone thought shouldn’t have been up there. except those were the people who weren’t called and thought they should’ve been there)

Got Good Work

Which cracked us up it was like “for attending school!”. But we were proud of him anyway. They called up more and more people for various things and then our Deputy Principal announced that he’d call up the Grade 6 learners that will receive certificated for Entgroodfasijo Sfei. Which confused almost everyone.

He called up four children from Mrs B’s class. So we were like ‘UM what? Oh well!’. Then he called up Tamlin and I and a few other children. Once we had shook hands with the Principal and stood in front of all the Grades 4,5 and 6 we read our certificates which are for Good Entrepreneurial Skills. We were pleasantly confused.

Then came sports. By now my whole right leg is completely numb. He called up all the U12 netball team and we all got certificates for becoming first in the Southern District.