June 26   *Squirrel

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We went to check out this beautiful tourist attraction right on the edge of The Grand Canyon. It was spectacular. There were also a lot of squirrels around and they were very friendly. Mom was taking millions of photos when we saw this bottle lid with water. We moved it closer to us to see if the squirrels would come. There we were Wouter, Mom, Jessica an I snapping away with cameras (okay not me I didn’t bring a camera and was waiting to see what the squirrel would do next.). While we were sitting there the squirrel decided to check Wouter out. It was sooo cute. It then moved on to mom. We sat silently watching it mom did mention later that she was just hoping it didn’t jump up her back or something. It kept having a little debate type thing with itself. Jessica, mom Jessica, mom, Jessica, mom! It then weht to me. I stayed still just like everyone else and hoped it didn’t try and attack me. It stopped. Sniffed my finger and bit my little finger. That is correct.

Squirrel + Tamsyn=Bloody finger. It was actually quite sore though. I wasn’t even aloud to show emotion because I had a whole bunch of tourist taking the squirrel (and my) photos. It was only when the blood really started poring out that we left the squirrel and the tourists. We have some gory photos and this one really cute photo of the squirrel. When I retell the story to my friends this is how it will go:

I was sitting alone right my the edge of the grand canyon when suddenly I heard a crackle from the bushes. Alone and afraid a lent back to see what it was quick as a flash the wolverine was in front of me. I tried to run. But then I remembered that I had some left over M ’n Ms right in my pocket. I threw them at the wolverine and hoped for the best but it wasn’t enough although I could feel it wasn’t going to eat me. It left me with out my right hand’s pinky finger as a reminder to never go anywhere near a squirrel again.




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