June 28   Mexican Hat

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We left the Grand Canyon quite early and started our really long drive to Green River. We found out that our car Is insanely high-tech! WE found a secret compartment with a screen. As in watching movies on our really long drive! Luckily we found a really cheep movie. Robin Hood. So we watched that. We then got to the Mexican Hat which Jessica thinks doesn’t believe looks like a Mexican hat more like a piece of rock or an upside down Mexican hat. So drove through the Valley of the Gods. Which was bumpy and beautiful. We started making shapes of the rock formations. After an excruciatingly long drive we arrived at Robber’s Roost. Which as a little motel that Jessica and I enjoyed a lot because actually I don’t know why we liked it so much it was just so quant. Although Jessica couldn’t stand the noise from the air-conditioner and I get very hot I spent my night on the carpet floor which was a little cooler. I then woke up back in my bed in the middle of the night because of a stupid cramp in my thigh. So I went back to my ‘bed’ on the floor with the cramp. I was asked if I now knew what a cramp felt like? I answered no because I fell back to sleep. Again that morning we left nice and early.


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