June 13 Change is as good as a holiday
Change is as good as a holiday and I’m getting both!-Quote of Mom.
I went to the hair dresser with my mum today and decided that I would get a lovely wash and blow. Great! I was there and the hairdresser asked “Do you want a cut aswel?”. Well I’d been thinking about it and had no idea what to do. So I told her this she said Ok well I can give you a fringe and I will feather your hair. Now anyon elike me immidaitly thought. Actually I don’t really like feathers in my hair and thought of yourself as some weird hippy with dread locks and feathers in you hair. Anyway it turned out well. I don’t think my dad will be too keen but it ties up in the cutest little pony tail ever!
I will show you some photos of my new hair cut in a different post…
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