February 1   Ridiculous

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Computer Lessons are a complete joke. Wait, jokes are supposed to be fun and jolly. Never mind, Computer Lessons are completely STUPID!! A waste of time. In the beginning before the first lesson I was a bit iphy with the whole situation because not only had they called the Computer Room the Tech Lab (no calling it that WON’T make it more interesting or fun). But our principal’s wife is the new computers teacher. Yes that’s right the woman who vowed to live with him forever and ever came to our school to be a substitute grade 3 teacher. Now, she is the computer’s teacher. Aren’t there qualifications? Our first lesson truly PISSED ME OFF. They made us sign contracts. Yes, us. The poor, unsuspecting class of Gr. 7F. Now you may be wondering What’s wrong with that?

Most of the children who aren’t me signed it. Before they even read it!!! She did go through it but the bottom line behind the fancy words that some of our stupider children didn’t understand was We Can Hold YOU Responsible For The Damage Of Your Computer. Which I guess they have the right to do. But some of those children signed it so that they could play on the computers. I read it very carefully but what else was I going to do? I like computers. Wait, correction. I liked computers.

Our computer lessons now are going onto a website time thing which is totally ridiculous. What it is, is it’s a program that annihilates the most important factor that we should learn in computers. Research. But noooooo. Why would we subject these children to the Internet? It’s completely and utterly BOOHUCKY! So they give you all the information in a neat little folder. All you have to do is follow her insanely exact and LONG explanation of what you need to do. By going into another program and picking a style then, wait this is the best part, you get to choose the colour!!! Isn’t that great? She got very excited (I’ll call it excitement because there isn’t a description of that sort of half hearted enthusiasm that she possesses) that you were able to change the colour and “make it our own”. Oh yes, the pictures are already downloaded for you in another neat little folder. It makes me puke. Today she wanted us to finish what we started (the colour thing) in the previous lesson. I was done. It wasn’t difficult. You may think that’s because I own a computer and have experience. It’s not. There is no way that you could fail this. Or even get bad marks. Of course there are no games allowed unless she says that you may play (which she hadn’t). I put my hand up to ask what to do next. I don’t know if she was doing it on purpose or sub-contiously but she went to everyone and I mean EVERYONE before me. I couldn’t understand it. I put my hand up nicely like everyone else. I even didn’t speak while my hand up. But no. I felt like getting her fancy earphones and smashing them on the floor to get her attention. I didn’t though because remember I signed a contract and I would be held fully responsible (like I wouldn’t anyway). I ended up doing an activity on her stupid program which teaches you to type without looking at the keyboard. I agree with the thought of the program (for people who can’t type or touch type). But in what world, I ask you with tears in my baby blue eyes , do you ever type ANYTHING close to this:

Ghhdjklls ;fjsaajf gh hgjdk fls;a hfsdjkl skskksslakj ;ahgfi gkaldgk aslskdj

Hmmm? And for once I’m not even exaggerating. It might help people who aren’t like me and who can’t type. Anyway. I started typing then I tell you THEN she notices me and asked me smugly if I had finished all my work. I replied without any anger that you’ve seen in this blog post Yes.  She told us about the next activity. Something we did last year. Again all the information already given to us and the extra program we’d used in the last activity and deary me the ability to change the colour. I’m telling you I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!

*This is not meant to hurt anyone’s feelings it is all my opinion and I’m sure if you try hard you’ll find someone who likes the lessons.


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