Hello all. I am back from my 3-day school camp at The Christian Centre in Stellenbosch. It was the EPICIST!!!!!!! (That is now a new word meaning Extraordinarily Epic-(Epic-Ist). ). The first day we got driven up in busses and then got into dorms. I got a cool dorm because we were 5 instead of 4 people so we also got our own bathroom including our very own SHOWER!! We also got put into groups. I wasn’t in Tamlin’s group which…yes…sucked buuuuut I was with some really awesome people that were my friends. Our first activity was building a raft.
So close to Kontiki I was ecstatic. Except they sucked. They did the stupid type of ‘lashing’ ever. What was THAT about? I wanted to take the leader push him into the lake and then teach them all square lashing. You will be pleased to know that I did not do that and I also bit my tongue. Guess what I found out later. We were the ONLY team that did the actually building of the raft. Instead they just did the races. Sucky right? We did a couple of other activities and had dinner. After dinner we went on this night hike, which was COLD!! Tamlin didn’t bring a jersey so, the best friend that I am, I lent my lovely jersey to her. By the way I told her to bring a jersey but nooooo. This boy that is friends with some of my guy friends comes up to me and hugs me and says “I’m cold”. I was so awkward. I was like Ah huh that’s nice. He sat in front of me at breakfast and tried to play footsie with me under the table. His mistake because I was wearing my 4X4 shoes and stood promptly on his foot. I don’t think I saw that much of him after that. :D. At 10:15 we were told to go to sleep. At 10: 18 I was asleep and didn’t care whomever was talking in my dorm.
Day 2 was the best. It was non-stop activities which tested our leading, listening and trust skills. There were lots of blind folding activities which, if I may say so myself, I ROCKED AT. As long as I was the one giving the instruction. One of my favourite activities of day two was when we had to fill a tube (a tube with lots of HOLES) with water to get a ball out. At first everyone was very hard working and stressing. Very competitive. Then you just hear “QUICKLY JOSH PUT YOUR CHEEK AGAINST THE HOLE!!” We were still serious until we hear josh say “AHHHHHHH!!! IT’S IN MY EAR! It has now seeped into my brain.” We started laughing and then everyone was mentioning every oriphious that had water in. It was lovely because we stopped being serious and started enjoying ourselves. The same activity you had 3 teammates blindfolded and 1 leader trying to get the blindfolded to pick up a puzzle piece. Two of the boys were running because we behind and then BANG they smashed against each other. More laughs were shared and we started winning because we were working well together. We had to make a skit for around the bon fire. I had to take the leader role here other wise we would have been doing an insensitive skit on mentally challenged children. I told everyone the skit I had in mind, which is called Mr Price.
Guy 1 walks by with a nice hat on
Girl 1: Damn I like your hat!
Guy 1: I got it from Mr Price
Guy 2 walks by with a nice shirt on
Girl 2: Damn I like your shirt
Guy 2: I got it from Mr Price
Guy 3 walks by with nice shorts on
Girl 3: Damn I like your shorts
Guy 3: I got it from Mr Price.
Guy 4 walks up traumatized and in only a towel.
Girl 4: OH MY GOSH!! What’s your name?
Guy 4: Mr Price…
I had to explain it 7 times but they found it funny eventually and I got one of the boy leaders hooked when I told him he could be Mr Price. We doubled up on everything though so we had two Mr Prices. We were the most practised group there. When we did it was a hit… Or so I thought. I found out later that just about NO ONE got our skit! I got it and it was funny and that’s all that matters.
This is for dad:
After the bon fire that was a hit with everyone and got quite violent in the end with lots of
Speaking of violent. There was one fight at the camp. Some one said something to get someone else agro. Someone else took it personally and responded rudely then some one punched someone else. Neither of them were aloud free time. Poor someone else. He is a very sweat guy that I would never see in a fight ever. He had a red eye and a swollen lip.
Day 3: We split our groups (instead of 7 separate groups we had 4) I was with TAMLIN!!! I was also with most of my other group. Our first activity was figuring out a way to get through a ‘spider web’. Only two people were aloud through one hole. No touching the sides. We had to pick a guy and girl leader. The guy leader was the creepy “I’m cold guy” and I was nominated as the female leader. Again I had to be bossy. There were 27 of us. I could not talk to each one individually and nicely. No I had to talk to them with authority. And if that makes me bossy then I’m sorry I’m bossy. We were doing very well. We had figured out a way to get the nice thin skinny people through the nice small girls through. Then we figured out a way to get the two larger girls through which I will say was quite difficult. They stood on my back. On MY BACK!!!! I was gracious and kept telling them that they were like feathers. I was very nice. They went through on to another girls back on the other side right. Who got all the slaps on the back saying “Wow! Well done they stood on your back and EVERYTHING”. Why no not me. Of course the girl on the other side. Oh well. We managed lots of people to get through but the whistle blew and we had to move on. Which sucked because we would have got everyone over I’m telling you now! The rest of the activities were okay I guess but I liked The Spider Web one the most because it really challenged my leading abilities. I mean REALLY challenged me! We then got on the bus where we sang Adele songs all the way home.
I am now home and have almost no voice. I had such a wonderful time and will be uploading pictures as soon as I can!
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