Amsterdam Baby!
I’m going to tell you about this flight.
For dad: Sorry we couldn’t get the flight reg. Or anything not pleased with the flight attendent who said “Of course you will get the info!
It is so much nicer! It had air conditioning! YAY! I get very hot so yes I much prefer this flight. The food is YUMMY! I had the Veg Lasagna and Jessica had the really yummy chicken and mash both really awesome! Dessert being 2 chocolate biscuits. Yummy!
Interesting people: next tome across the isle is a vegetarian music writer. Really interesting! He had a bulky version of Jessica’s ipod. And some group of wannabe soccer people. All with various piercing. Quite interesting. Just glad they didn’t sit next to us.
The one problem I found was when I went to sleep I was awoken with a baby crying. I was of course grumpy and angry but I soon came to my senses. The problem was that it was the same every time. Deep breath excruciatingly loud scream until out of breath cry and repeat. It was very very frustrating it was like someone taking a knife and rubbing on the exact same spot on my foot (which happened to be my half dream half reality thing). She/ he is still screaming and so while I write this I have music blaring I my ears because I just can’t take it!.
I am very tired and still have another flight. This flight is 8 hours but we get to Miniapples only 2 hours after we left scipol.
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