June 22   Big Sir

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We stayed with Philip and Sandra again. That morning we had to leave early because we had a 6½ hour drive. So that’s what we did. We left early and took the really long drive. The problem for me was it was like Champman’s Peek on steroids. It was beautiful but it was turn after turn. Mom said I could sit in the front. Thank goodness! We then drove on and stopped at this over priced little bar thing with the most beautiful view. We had their cheapest drinks and carried on.

We got to Big Sur Camp Ground at 6ish and started to set up our camp. Jessica and I being Girl Guides we were able to put u our tent quickly except for the need for sheer man power. But that was not really a problem. Then we had the luxury of mattresses which self inflated which would have been a good tip before we started loosing half our lungs trying to blow up the stupid thing. We also had the most comfortable, warm and snuggly. Jessica and I were warm until Jessica was wussie. She had to pee at 5.Then we were woken up at 8 to pack up. We then left for San Francisco.

My highlights of the camp. Beautiful like you wouldn’t believe! I have a little plastic basket ball that I was playing with + our campsite was next to a river (very very pretty)= Disaster= Jessica and I nearly falling in the water. (I think you can fill in the dots).



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